The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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MegaSTE Configuration Set
A Collection of Shareware Programs by John Townsend
© 1992 John Townsend, All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.0, Release Date: January 22, 1992
--> Introduction
The MegaSTE Configuration Set is a collection of small programs that
will set up the Cache and Speed Configuration for your MegaSTE. The
programs are: FAST.PRG, FASTNC.PRG, NORM.PRG, and WHATAMI.PRG. I will
explain exactly what these programs do later in this READ.ME file.
If you do not own a MegaSTE, then these programs are probably of no
use to you. However, please feel free to pass them along to someone who
might find them useful!
--> A Word on Distribution
These programs are being distributed as "shareware." This means that
you are free to give these programs to anyone, upload to Bulletin Board
Systems, USEnet, etc. as long as ALL of the programs (FAST.PRG, FASTNC.PRG,
NORM.PRG, and WHATAMI.PRG) and this READ.ME file are included and NOT
altered in any way. In other words, feel free to distribute this program
far and wide as long as you leave it just as it is now.
Since these programs aren't very big and they don't do a whole lot,
I am not asking for alot of money for them. If you use them and you find
them useful, I ask that you send me $5.00 dollars. This small sum will
help me to cover the 40 percent increase in my tuition costs (Here in
California, the California State University System was forced to raise
their tuition 40 percent this coming year due to State Budget problems!).
Remember, shareware programs are being distributed on the honor system.
If you use them, you are expected to pay for them.
To register your copy of the MegaSTE Configuration Set, please send
$5.00 Dollars to the following address:
John Townsend
39637 Wall Common
Fremont, CA 94538
--> What are these programs anyway?
I'm glad you asked! These programs are a result of some messages I
read on GEnie, where users wanted to change the Speed and Cache settings
of their MegaSTE machines without having to have the new Control Panel
loaded. They wanted the best of both worlds: they wanted to change these
settings and have the memory available that the Control Panel would
normally take up.
Before I continue a note about the Control Panel: The Control Panel
is a really great tool. It is expandable and allows you to FULLY configure
your system. These programs are in NO way designed to replace the
functionality of the Control Panel. If you want more than these programs
offer, consider using the Control Panel.
Anyway, after thinking about these GEnie messages, I did some research
and started to write the collection of programs you now have.
--> Okay, they set the Cache and Speed settings. But, what do each of
these 4 programs do?
Wow! You ask great questions. Let me see if I can break down each
program and tell you what it does:
FAST.PRG will put the MegaSTE into 16Mhz mode with the
Cache Enabled. I called it FAST, because it will make the
machine run fast!
When you run the program, it will tell you (in the form of
an Alert Box) that the machine is set to 16Mhz and the Cache
is Enabled. After you click on the "Thanks" button, the
program will exit, taking you back to the Desktop.
FASTNC.PRG will put the MegaSTE into 16Mhz mode with the
Cache Disabled. Thus the "NC" (for No Cache) on the end of
Just like FAST.PRG, this program will display an Alert Box
that tells you that your MegaSTE is now running at 16Mhz
with the Cache disabled. After you click on the "Thanks"
button, the program will exit, taking you back to the Desktop.
When this program is executed as a TOS program or put in the
AUTO Folder, it will not display the Alert Box. Instead, it
will display roughly the same message in text form.
NORM.PRG will put the MegaSTE into 8Mhz mode with the Cache
Disabled. I called this program "NORM" because this would be
"normal" for an STE or ST computer. Regular 1040STE or ST
machines run at 8Mhz and don't have a Cache.
NORM.PRG displays an Alert Box telling you that your MegaSTE
is now running at 8Mhz with the Cache Disabled. Click on the
"Thanks" button to exit the program and return to the desktop.
If you execute this program from the AUTO Folder as a TOS
program from a CLI shell, you won't see the Alert Box, but
the program will print roughly the same message in text form.
WHATAMI.PRG is a program that when executed will tell you
what speed and cache configuration you are currently in.
When you run this program it will display an Alert Box that
tells you the speed and cache setting. Click on the "Ok"
button to exit the program and return to the Desktop.
If this program is executed as a TOS program or put in the
AUTO Folder, you won't see the Alert Box, you will see roughly
the same message in text form.
All of these programs will work on a MegaSTE in _any_ resolution.
They will run from the AUTO Folder, the built-in GEM Desktop, CLI
environments, etc. The only limitation is that they do not run as
Accessories. Also, when these programs are run in TOS Mode (or the
AUTO Folder), the message that they display is only one line. I wanted
to keep it small, because I don't really enjoy seeing these
"half-screen" welcome messages from AUTO Folder programs.
If you happen to attempt to run these programs on something other
than a MegaSTE, the program will tell you that the programs only work
on the MegaSTE and exit gracefully. Go ahead, try to run these programs
on other ST compatible computers! I dare you! <grin>
On a serious note, if you find _ANYTHING_ wrong with these programs,
please let me know. I want to make sure that this software is useful to
you and bug free.
--> Gee, these programs sound very useful. I will send you money right now!
You know, I am really starting to like you! <grin> Actually, I really do
hope that you will find these programs useful. If you do, please try to
help me get through the rest of college by sending me a few dollars.
Last but not least, I am ALWAYS looking for comments, suggestions, ideas
for new programs, etc. If have any of the above, please feel free to
send me some Email on GEnie or Mail them to me via US Mail. I really would
like to hear from you! See the bottom of this document on the various
ways to send me mail.
Thank you for taking the time to read this document and look over these
programs. If you don't have a use for them, pass them along to someone
who might!
John Townsend
39637 Wall Common
Fremont, CA 94538
CompuServe: 70007,1135
BIX: towns
USEnet: towns@atari.uucp or ames!atari!towns